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To give effect to the belief in Gya, there are twelve practices referred to as Quests. People who wish to follow Vita Religion might consider pursuing the Quests by adopting them into their daily lives. This will help an individual play an important role in resolving the Anthropocene Crisis and Advancing the Verdant Age.

i, biosphere

We are all part of Gya, so, let's give recognition by reciting the i-biosphere poem, or in some other way. Maybe say 'Hi" to a cloud or shake the leaves of a shrubbery.

Live with Earthity

Live with honor and respect for our Living Planet and your fellow humans. Live lightly on Earth, and be kind to people. Being kind to people includes being kind to yourself.

Practice a Vitamission

Find a mission through which you can help the well-being of Gya and through which you can help advance the Verdant Age. This Vitamission might be your vocation or something you do after-hours.

Grow Something

Grow something, help it flourish and share the flourishing with others. Maybe start with a Monstera deliciosa plant or a simple home aquarium. Learn how to nurture life. In this way you will be helping to grow Gya.

Find Yourself in Nature

Visit natural places to breathe the air of forests, rivers, and coastlines. If you can't escape a city, find a park or overgrown place where you can take-in the colours and textures of that which grows. Here, you will understand that Gya is our life-support system.

Celebrate the Moon

On the Full Moon, gather with friends and others and observe the Full Moon Rise. Use this auspicious occasion to engage in an evening of Big Talk. Maybe listen to the Vita Sapien Moon Poem as a way of bonding with your associates.

Cosmos & Magma

Contemplate what lies above and below Gya. Go to a place where you can see the full beauty of the the stars and visit a volcano or hot springs to sense what lies below.

Know Your Boundaries

Embrace a deeper understanding and empathy for the human influence on the nine Planetary Boundaries, the biophysical systems that need to be maintained for life to prosper on Earth.

Embrace the Storm

Embrace the storm has three meanings:

1. Get present to heavy weather to get a deeper connection with nature.
2. Seek a deeper understanding of meterology - how do weather systems form.
3. Find inner-peace with the understanding that we have destabilized Earth's climate, and extreme weather is coming to us all.

Reinvent New Year

Contribute to the reinvention of ALL institutions to align them with the well-being of Gya.

Banking, finance, energy, governance, public holidays… All institutions need reinventing.

Maybe start by celebrating Vita Sapien's New year celebration on July 16.

Know Your White Horse

Know where to go to find spiritual solace in nature. This will help grow your connection to Gya. If you do not yet know how to find spiritual renewal in nature your next adventure is to find it.

Return to the Flux

The minerals and energy in your body came from Gya, so when you die, let them return to where they came from. A natural burial or cremation with wood allows the minerals and energy in your body to foster the growth of other living beings.


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Vita Religion is given life by Vita Sapien Organisation - vitaeplaneta @
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