About Vita Religion

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Founder Guy Lane introduces Vita Religion

Vita Religion was concieved in 2016 from the insight that 6 billion people on Earth follow unsustainable religions.

An unsustainable religion is one that fails to help people develop a deep reverence and understanding of the biosphere, the human life support system.

The primary insight was: "We need a religion devoted to nature."

Four years later, the administrative infrastructure for Vita Religon as established.

Vita Religion adheres to the following definition of religion:

a religion involves a belief in a supernatural being, thing or principle,
and the acceptance of canons of conduct that give effect to the belief.

Vita's supernatural being is Gya: the biosphere viewed as a single organism.

Vita's canons of conduct are referred to as Quests.

In addition, Vita Religion is framed by a sustainable life philosophy called Vita Worldview.

The objective of Vita Religion is to create the spiritual and philosophical foundations of a global culture that can survive the 21st Century and thrive thereafter.

Vita's aspiration is that humans are thriving on Earth 230 million years from now. This can only be achieved through a synergystic cultural relationship with nature.

Vita Religion launch at COP28 Dubai, December 2023


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Vita Religion is given life by Vita Sapien Organisation
vitasapien.org - vitaeplaneta @ gmail.com
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