i, biosphere

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The i, biosphere poem can be used as an affirmation of your belief in Gya.

I am human

I come from Earth

In a little bubble of gas

With molten lava below

And the freezing depths of space above


I am one organism

Made of billions of organisms

Amongst trillions of organisms

In a vibrant community

A biological sphere of life

The biosphere


I am part of the biosphere

I, biosphere

You, also, are part of the biosphere

You biosphere

We are all in this together

The humans and all else that lives on Earth

We biosphere


We are all part of the biosphere

And the biosphere is part of us

So we should care for the biosphere

We really can't live without her


Meditation >>


Vita Religion is given life by Vita Sapien Organisation
vitasapien.org - vitaeplaneta @ gmail.com
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